Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Love Corner

Who's to say that love can't be found just anywhere?

I met him while I was on the baby isle in Walmart. Shopping? Yea. He was walking around and wandered over where I was and said, "Hello."
I wasn't really interested in anyone since; just seven months prior, I had given birth to my oldest daughter. We were just fine; just the two of us. Besides, my previous acquaintance did not exactly possess the qualities I desired my husband to have. I made a mistake, but gained something so wonderful and precious from it. So, I was a bit broken; yet happy, but not quite ready for anything new.

His smile was heart-warming; his teeth glistened and sparkled from the glare of the sunlight. I was pulled in, but I disengaged.
"This is why things are so messed up now," I thought. Could it hurt to speak? Probably not so, I spoke.
"Hello there."
A smile tore from my face like a bull from its pen. What was I doing?
"Show no interest," I would tell myself.
"You're not desperate!" my mind screamed.
"But he is cute and so kind, shouted my heart.
"You be quiet," I replied. You are not to be the judge here...not just yet.

He began talking to me and telling me about his goals and asked me of mine. I couldn't hear a thing, but somehow I answered. We stood there looking at each other; just smiling for what seemed like eternity. A thought swiftly came to my mind....but my heart dove in and said,"You don't have to feel like you're desperate because you are not. Remember that other guy that tried to talk to you? You didn't even give him a second look and he was HOT!"
"Yea, I know," reassuring my heart that it did have my best interest in mind.
"So we agree?" asked my mind.
"Why yes; this time we do," my heart grinned as I extended my business card to the handsome stallion.
As he walked away, I felt my knees trembling. "Whoa there girl, we can only hold you up for so long"
My heart began pounding, "I'm going to need you to calm down because I feel like I'm running a race here."
I had been serenaded without knowing it. He was all I needed. Twelve years later, I still love him so much. We have had our ups and downs, knock-downs and drag-outs, but he's mine and always will be.

Tell your love story. Insert pictures if you would like. 

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